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This page will discuss the different types of home-based therapies that we can offer.

This includes:

  • Peritoneal Dialysis - Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) & Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD)

  • Home Haemodialysis (HHD)

Why choose to do dialysis at home?

Potential benefits:

  • More control over schedule

  • Independence

  • Ability to continue working as normal

  • More diet/fluid flexibility

  • Fewer medications

  • Better quality of life

Dialyse to live, not live to dialyse...


Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter (PD tube)

A soft plastic tube will be inserted into your abdomen.

This is usually done under a local anaesthetic at the Norfolk and Norwich Kidney Centre (you can go home the same day) 


Via a surgical insertion under general anaesthetic at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital (which will involve an overnight hospital stay)

PD cath.jpg

Am I suitable for this type of dialysis?

  • No previous abdominal surgery that may impact insertion 

  • Enough space at home to store boxes of fluid

  • Ability to perform treatment independently

Please discuss this with your kidney doctor/renal nurse if you have any queries.

How does Peritoneal Dialysis Work?


Dialysis fluid is drained into your abdomen via a soft plastic tube ('catheter' or 'PD tube').

This fluid sits in your abdomen for 4-6 hours. This is called a dwell. During this time, the fluid absorbs waste products and extra fluid from the body.

Once time is up, the fluid is drained out along with the toxins and excess water.

Once the fluid has drained out, another 2L bag of fluid is drained in straight away. This process is called an exchange.

Each exchange can roughly take half an hour. You can do this whilst watching television, reading a book or even in your car (not whilst driving).

You will be carrying out 4 exchanges a day (for example: morning, lunchtime, dinner and evening).

This type of peritoneal dialysis is called continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).

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Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) differs from CAPD in the way that treatment is delivered via a machine which fills and drains the fluid for you automatically rather than manually.

This is usually done overnight.

You will still need a PD catheter for this treatment and you must demonstrate that you are able to complete manual CAPD for a period of time before switching to APD.

Please be aware that APD might not be suitable for you, you can discuss this with your renal nurse.

Below is a short video about whether peritoneal dialysis might be right for you.

What are the requirements for Home Haemodialysis?

Please click the button below to visit the haemodialysis page to understand the basic concept of this treatment before considering home haemodialysis.


In order to carry out HHD you will need the following:

  • A dedicated clean area (spare room ideally) to dialyse in

  • An electrical outlet

  • Space for storing equipment

  • An easily accessible water source and plumbing system

  • A carer to assist

  • Ability to set up a machine, use it and cannulate

  • Approval of property if not owned (as alterations have to be made to plumbing etc.)


All equipment provided for free and delivered to your home

All training is provided by our Renal Home Therapy Team (details below)

Initial training (2-3 weeks) will take place at the Norfolk and Norwich Kidney Centre

Below is a short video about whether home haemodialysis might be right for you.

I choose peritoneal dialysis/home haemodialysis - what happens next?

If you have opted for peritoneal dialysis:

  • You will be referred to the Renal Home Therapies Team and an appointment will be made for you to be assessed in clinic by Dr Todd. 

If you have opted for home haemodialysis:

  • You will be referred to our dialysis vascular nurses. They will be in touch to arrange an appointment to get your arm scanned in preparation for a fistula formation.

(Please be aware that you will need to be established on haemodialysis within the Norfolk and Norwich Kidney Centre for at least 6 months before transferring to your home)


Angela Cardoso

Jayne Scothern

Sara Otty

Karen Emerson

Renal Home Therapies Team

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